deployment architecture

How to do Continuous Integration and Continuous deployment for a target platform

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On demand an application should be pushed to a production environment. An application must be validated, tested and tagged before release. Need to provide change history and rollback capability.The deployment process should be applicable to any target platform e.g. public or private cloud. An application should be released without downtime.


The solution consists of two phases one is Continuous Integration Pipeline and other is Continuous Deployment Pipeline.

1. Continuous Integration

The steps involve in continuous integration pipeline using Jenkins (build server) are shown below :

  1. Checkout the source code from central repository.
  2. Build and compile source code.
  3. Run static code analysis.
  4. Run unit tests.
  5. Build all artifacts.
  6. Deploy release on dev environment.
  7. Run functional test suite.

If all tests pass (or manually triggered) then promote the build to QA environment and do the following.

  1. Run smoke and sanity tests.
  2. Run all behavior driven acceptance tests.
  3. On success, tag the branch for stage promotion based on convention set.

2. Continuous deployment

The steps involve in continuous deployment pipeline using Jenkins are shown below:

  1. Checkout the source code of tagged release branch (which was tested on stage earlier) from Git.
  2. Build the source code using tools like MSBuild, Maven, Gradle (used to build the application).
  3. Publish the artifact to AWS S3 bucket and update it’s URL in Chef server’s data bag.
  4. AWS S3 bucket is used as artifact storage.
  5. Pre-bake the machine image for target platform using Packer (it is used to build machine images for various target platforms e.g. AWS, GCE, virtual box …etc.) and bring it to the desire state with chef-client.
  6. Deploy pre-baked machine image to target platform using Terraform (it is used across multiple public or private cloud providers for infrastructure provisioning) and update infrastructure information in Consul (used for service discovery and configuration store as key/value pair).
  7. Chef server is loaded with required environment’s roles, cookbooks and data-bags for deployment.
  8. AWS is used as target platform for deployment.
  9. Consul server is deployed on AWS which help’s in service discovery.

For reference

An AWS deployment architecture of two-tire web application with service discovery as shown below:

  1. VPC is used to setup private data center on AWS region which consist of public and private subnets for two or more availability zones.
  2. Internet Gateway to allow public access or services.
  3. Route 53 to manage DNS entry for ELB (elastic load balancing).
  4. Highly available AWS Elastic load balancing.
  5. Autoscale group to manage the web application’s deployment using launch configuration with pre-baked AMI and instance type.
  6. NAT instance to control the public access for private subnet.
  7. Database cluster e.g. MongoDB sharded cluster as storage.
  8. Autoscale group to manage Consul for service discovery and deployment configuration.
  9. Cloudwatch alarm for autoscaling web app.
  10. Cloudwatch for autoscaling web app.
  11. AWS IAM user for managing AWS s3 bucket for Elasticsearch snapshots.
  12. AWS S3 bucket for storing elasticsearch snapshot.

Blue-green Deployments and Roll-backs

There are multiple strategy for managing blue-green or canary deployments on AWS as target platform.
Here a blue-green deployment is achieved by managing an auto-scale group by executing steps given below using Terraform.

  1. Always create new auto-scale group with launch configuration pointing to latest pre-backed AMI from consul then attach an existing elastic load balancer to it.

  2. Update the existing auto-scale group by detaching it from the existing load balancer and give some cool-down period and remove it.

    For rollback need to refer consul for previously deployed pre-backed AMI and repeat the steps 1 and 2 as mentioned above.


This continuous integration and deployment strategy is based on open-source stack. It is also useful for on premise private cloud like openstack, VMware etc. as well as with public cloud provider like AWS, GCE, digital ocean etc. The tools or technology like Packer, Terraform, Consul, Jenkins and Chef truly helps to achieve infrastructure as code and made DevOps life simple :).